Patadyong: Making it to the fashion generation

Background and Rationale

Farmers nowadays are having trouble on sustaining their livelihood by just focusing on their crops. The inflation hits them drastically. Their compensation is not enough to sustain their living expenses. They need another way of living in order survive the increasing prices of basic commodities.

Patadyong weaving is one of the income generating business of the people of Barangay Bagtason. It is very rare and always a go to pasalubong of balikbayan from our province. Nowadays it has evolve into bags and fashion item other than the handkerchief and skirt it has started with.

Description of Product or Service

Habul will focus on making the Patadyong as a statement staple when it comes to fashion and accessories.

Patadyong Outfit. We will offer wide variety of trendy outfits that are instagrammable and aesthetic to the generation of today. Patadyong will be worn from basic tees, to party dresses and formal attire.

Patadyong Accessories. Patadyong will not be limited to textile but also to arm candies like totes, handbags and jewelries.

Benefits to stakeholders

Patadyong will be woven the wives of the farmers and their daughter. The hauling of product will be done by the farmers and other manual labor. It will be a community affair because all of the manpower will be provided by the community. The locals can be train on how to manage the business.

Value proposition

Habul will be a company that will help the local community of Bagtason in promoting and selling their products at a profitable price. To help empower a community by being sustainable when it comes to their own source of income. And also, to help preserve the culture of the indigenous people of Antique

Management of Information Technology: The future of today

I’ve been born and raised where computer technology is evolving. It seems like I grow up with it. I witnessed the time that all we have is a bulky computer and the screen is not highly defined. Later on we are introduced to laptops and cellphone. They evolved from bigger to smaller and thinner screens and now all you can see is screen.

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Back on my college days we are being equipped with the basic knowledge of how a computer works and be familiar with its physical attributes. But in this generation of Z kids they are more knowledgeable compare to us. We are left behind.

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I have taken this course armed with that basic knowledge and with a hope that I would come out of the computer room bearing more knowledge than I know and it didn’t failed my expectation. I learn more than I could ever think of. I was introduced to things that I got so overwhelmed. Every Saturday morning I am so excited to go school to learn more.

The learnings are short and concise but full of interesting lessons.

I consider myself as a novice when it comes to technology. My understanding could reach the level of a kid nowadays but because of MIS I was trudge into the abyss of making blogs more so a video blog. Discovering the poignant world of apps and maneuvering my way to improve my blogs and vlogs.

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Microsoft Access is so foreign to my senses when it was brought up in the class. I never knew it existed until then. I was so accustomed in using MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint but never Access even Publisher and I got a little bit agitated when we first tried it on the lab. And I got surprised how easy it is.

I also found out the proper terms for the things that we are using nowadays like those collaboration tools they comprise the instant messaging, blogs, social media, web conferencing and wikis. And the Enterprise Resource Planning is what we are using in our organizations but we are not aware of that.

I got to know the importance of innovation and the benefits of e-commerce and what more it can offer.

Lastly, I put into consideration and think more about the negative effects of IT when it was used irresponsibly. I can be a tool to make others be aware of it or just let the people close to me be inform.

As a professional and a part of a community, responsible use of technology can start with myself. I have the power and a choice to impart it with the people I love and knew so that little by little one person to another we can spread positive chain of reaction.

We have the power to make change and its our choice to make it good.

IT does matter because this is the future. We cant deny the fact that this is the path we are taking and technology have so much more to offer. It doesn’t affect only one part of our life but it already encompasses our very life whether professionally or personally.

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Keep it original!

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Photoshop software, Microsoft office and anti virus are widely pirated and sold or distributed for free.

It is a bit costly to buy legal copy softwares. I can’t say that we can blame those indulging themselves into this piracy but it is sometimes more of practicality. If the cost of one Microsoft software is equal to two months salary of a regular employee who badly needs it for his work this particular amount is needed to be sacrifice in order to acquired one software which can be attain without additional cost from someone they know. That person would choose to buy that money with his necessary items like food or such than spending a lot of penny for things that he can get for free, right?

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We are a developing country and as our economy struggle to keep abreast with other countries. Most of the Filipinos are living beyond the average living situation. It is already a scrabble for a minimum wage earner to fit his dues with his expenses, its already considered a luxury for one to avail a simple Microsoft office needed for school project of his child and for his own in the office.

As this softwares are legally distributed by multinational companies based in the first world country. Obviously the price of their product must be in level with what are the prices in the other countries are. Half of our country’s population are mostly in middle class. They can afford to buy the software but its expensive enough for their other needs.

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Maybe this company could lower their price in-line with how much our economy could afford to do so. Or they could offer other alternative. I know they are offering a trial period for free and eventually after a month you have the choice to continue it with a price or end it. Microsoft have also offer their software for free for students and teachers but most of the schools are not taking advantage of this opportunity because they don’t have the knowledge it exist. Teachers from our school need to pay for their computer or laptop to have the software installed. It is not widely disseminate. They should partnered with the government agencies so that government employees can also enjoy it and maybe redirect from pirated copies to legal ones.

Its not all about having the knowledge but why you share it.

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We use information technology to make communication convenient and easy. We communicate so we can collaborate. We collaborate our ideas to create information. A group of thinking brains is better than one. We have a group of people we called teams to come up with ideas. We are hungry for information. We dont stop discovering and refuse to limit our knowledge to what we know today. We continue to evolve and discern the mystery of earth and life.

What is knowledge? The things we know today are the knowledge we owe from our ancestors who dedicated their whole life learning the world, creating solution to economic development, discovering cure for health issues and just simply looking for answers that perks our interest. We have a vast number of libraries who take witness this centuries of learnings and pass it on to generations.

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What is the use of knowledge if its not shared to everyone. Knowledge is meant to be impart. The vision, mission and core values an organization adheres to is widely disseminate so that everyone can know what are they aiming to. Its their guiding principle. The operation and financial information of the company is confidential. That’s why knowledge of it and every thing about the organization should be manage. Knowledge Management enables an organization to manage well their information. It creates a system for processing information outside and inside the organization. It can help organize ideas when it comes to conjuring a new one. And most especially it prevents any data breach or data compromise.

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In our organization, we practice knowledge management by training our employees and keeping them updated with the changes in operation. Keeping them posted of what is happening within our institution. Thanks to social media, sharing our knowledge has become so easy.

Even though we practice knowledge management and taking advantage of social media not all of our people can be readily inform of our announcement and memorandum because not all them have an easy access to internet. I guess that could be the biggest barrier in our organization because we cater even in remote areas. There are still places in the philippines that are considered a dead spot so its the greatest challenge we are trying to create a solution.

Knowledge is power but knowledge sharing is empowerment. Having knowledge is sometimes not easily available to every one. Some needs to walk for three hours passing mountains and seas just to get to school. Some have to work day and night so that they can get a college degree. Knowledge can be a luxury if certain people deprives other to be imparted with it. Knowledge sharing is important because we empower our nation with educated people who knows their rights and have confidence to reach their dreams

Power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it -Pinterest

Communication made possible


This word means something rght. And it’s doesn’t seem to ring a bell but if we dig deeper wireless technologies are our world right now. We are talking about Facebook, Google, Dropbox, YouTube, Instagram and all the other apps that we have on our cellphones, laptop and all the other gadgets we are using today .

With just one click all the information we need is right out from the screen. And this very thing was made possible by internet.

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Internet is the saving grace of most people. When it comes to how to’s, meaning of each word and simply a passing activity for some. Internet nearly provides everything for us.

Most of the developers have invented useful apps that makes communication seem easy and light. With the use of the gadgets and connection to wireless network we can already connect to the outside world inside the comfort of our own house or office.

In my line of work. Internet make things possible through online communication. Facebook has become a medium for people in our department to be aware of documents needed for specific purpose, or another seminar, events that needs attendees. Even submission of reports are thru email or Facebook messenger. Idea for projects around school are readily available on the internet. Being in the Department of Education, library nowadays are of no use because most of the students and teachers rely on the internet for their materials.

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It seems that the only use for the cellular load is to connect to mobile data of the network. Even rural and hard to reach areas are already using this conveniently. It may slow and buffered but it makes connection possible for people to communicate.

Our department is halfway taking advantage of what wireless network technology can offer. We are keeping it up with the development so that all of the primary school in hard to reach barangay can enjoy this amenity.

Let’s be level headed

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Managers played an important key role when it comes to IS. They have to participate in IS decisions and they need to have skills to participate effectively.

According to Robert Katz there are three primary skills that a manager should possessed: conceptual skills, technical skills and human skills. For him a skill is an acquired and learned ability to translate knowledge into performance. It is a competency that allows for performance to be superior in the field in which a worker has the required skill. These skills can also be applied in IT decisions.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein

Technical skills

It involve skills that give the managers the ability and the knowledge to use a variety of techniques to achieve their objectives. These skills not only involve operating machines and software, production tools, and pieces of equipment but also the skills needed to boost sales, design different types of products and services, and market the services and the products.

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Basic computers skills nowadays is already taught in school and in demand skills in the curriculum vitae for most companies. Having knowledge about how I.T. works is vital when it comes to I.T. decision. It makes it easy for the managers to plot what he needs to do to reach his goals.

It also comes with a successful delegation of tasks. It is essential to have good productivity results. It helps to avoid wastage of time and ensures the responsibility of the employees.

Once a manager will take lead on development regarding information technology. One of the hardest steps is delegating this responsibility to the assigned officer. Managers should also bear it in mind when deciding about I.T.

Conceptual skills

These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for abstract thinking and formulating ideas. The manager is able to see an entire concept, analyze and diagnose a problem, and find creative solutions. This helps the manager to effectively predict hurdles their department or the business as a whole may face.

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I think under this primary skill is planning. In I.T. decision we need to conduce a plan when we are making a project for the development of the organisation. Being a good planner is not necessarily inborn it can always be acquired thru proper learning and experience. It is also one of the important skills a manager must possessed.

Also, it comes with the skill for decision making. In life we are faced with choices on whether what to take and walk which path. We are trained in school on how to deal with decisions but in reality it is not that simple especially in life and death situation. We learned again thru experience and numerous failed attempts. And we will continue facing failure as we learned along the way. Education doesn’t stop at school it is best learned outside campus and life is a continuous process of learning.

We usually take precautions for the things we do, that’s why we plan and very crucial when it comes to decision. Our conceptual skills are at work when this things arise. We are afraid of the risk I.T. may result in the future but our failures made us bet again for another failure where we can learn again.

Human or Interpersonal skill

These are the skills that presents the managers’ ability to interact, work or relate effectively with people. These skills enable the managers to make use of human potential in the company and motivate the employees for better results.

Communication best explain this skill. Communicating within the people under you is challenging. You have to earn their trust. Others doesn’t follow orders when it comes to people who they have doubted his capabilities. It can also be associated with empathy. It is an action of understanding, being aware of and being sensitive to the well being of you subordinates. A manager that can relate to his employees will understand the pressure and burden of working. It creates harmony inside the workplace.

Sometimes being close minded put us in difficult situations. Its stops any attempts for communication. In I.T. decision I believe it is best to deal with an open minded person where in they are not blinded by their own personal interests.

Mostly in decisions it needs to have critical analysis before having a nod.

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”- Albert Einstein


ISSP: hooray or nay?

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What is an ISSP? Let’s break it down.

ISSP is Information System Strategic Planning.

Information system as we know of is the organization’s IT infrastructure that must be integrated with employees and procedures to build, operate and support.

While Strategic planning is a process that helps managers identify desired outcomes and formulate feasible plans to achieve their objectives by using available resources and capabilities. This statement is according to George Reynolds in his book Information Technology Management.

Information system are already way beyond our reach. We can’t seem to cope up with the change it brought to the society. Children of today are more knowledgeable than seasoned professionals.

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Proposing an ISSP to the top management will never be easy especially now that I am working under a government office. It needs a lot of approval and discussion but its worth a try. A simple presentation of possible advantages the information system can brought to organization and giving one example of problem at hand where an information system can be applied are the ways I think I could possibly do to convince the top management to come up with an ISSP.

Government may have recognized this need. That’s why there is another department which specializes in this matter the Department of Information and Communications Technology or DICT but most of other department are not keen on what ICT is about. As for Department of Education whereas the organization I am part of with. We encounter challenges regarding our ICT systems for example we are still relying on printed papers when it comes to documents and important reports. Piles and piles of paper are on the table every month because we manage to utilize half of what IT can offer.

“I wish you knew more about what to do with information once you get it, but that is a private wish” – Peter Drucker

Creating a system for this will greatly help teachers and non-teaching personnel when it comes to organising their data and information. Having a concrete information system strategic plan will greatly help our struggling organization.

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What are the advantages ISSP will brought to the organisation?

1. Data will be organized.
2. Processing of papers will be fast and easy
3. We can save on papers because everything will be save on a database
4. Every data will be updated regularly.
5. It will require less manpower.

Other that this there will be some positive effect to the employees. It will lessened the stress brought upon by piles of paperwork. It can also contribute to work life balance of employees because they will finish their job on time and have time for theirselves.
This little changes will be a big help if only there is proper and effective ISSP on our department.

If the top management will only see this problem at hand? Will they not consider having an ISSP to solve the problem because as we already know it I.T. can make all things possible.