Management of Information Technology: The future of today

I’ve been born and raised where computer technology is evolving. It seems like I grow up with it. I witnessed the time that all we have is a bulky computer and the screen is not highly defined. Later on we are introduced to laptops and cellphone. They evolved from bigger to smaller and thinner screens and now all you can see is screen.

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Back on my college days we are being equipped with the basic knowledge of how a computer works and be familiar with its physical attributes. But in this generation of Z kids they are more knowledgeable compare to us. We are left behind.

photo credit: google images

I have taken this course armed with that basic knowledge and with a hope that I would come out of the computer room bearing more knowledge than I know and it didn’t failed my expectation. I learn more than I could ever think of. I was introduced to things that I got so overwhelmed. Every Saturday morning I am so excited to go school to learn more.

The learnings are short and concise but full of interesting lessons.

I consider myself as a novice when it comes to technology. My understanding could reach the level of a kid nowadays but because of MIS I was trudge into the abyss of making blogs more so a video blog. Discovering the poignant world of apps and maneuvering my way to improve my blogs and vlogs.

photo credit: googel images

Microsoft Access is so foreign to my senses when it was brought up in the class. I never knew it existed until then. I was so accustomed in using MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint but never Access even Publisher and I got a little bit agitated when we first tried it on the lab. And I got surprised how easy it is.

I also found out the proper terms for the things that we are using nowadays like those collaboration tools they comprise the instant messaging, blogs, social media, web conferencing and wikis. And the Enterprise Resource Planning is what we are using in our organizations but we are not aware of that.

I got to know the importance of innovation and the benefits of e-commerce and what more it can offer.

Lastly, I put into consideration and think more about the negative effects of IT when it was used irresponsibly. I can be a tool to make others be aware of it or just let the people close to me be inform.

As a professional and a part of a community, responsible use of technology can start with myself. I have the power and a choice to impart it with the people I love and knew so that little by little one person to another we can spread positive chain of reaction.

We have the power to make change and its our choice to make it good.

IT does matter because this is the future. We cant deny the fact that this is the path we are taking and technology have so much more to offer. It doesn’t affect only one part of our life but it already encompasses our very life whether professionally or personally.

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